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December 12, 2006

If conservatives are supposedly so hateful …

… then why does the far left continue to report fake incidents of so-called ‘hate crimes’? One such instance can be read about at Stop The ACLU, where jonjayray links up to a news report about a gay Boise State University student who has admitted that he fabricated a report about an alleged ‘hate crime’ attack on him, and also admitted to using his fists and a stick to self-inflict the look of ‘injuries’ on his body......   [Read More]

Getting to know LIBERAL Illinois Senator Barack Obama

Don’t believe the media hype about how this possible 2008 presidential contender is supposedly a ‘mainstream’ (read: middle of the road) candidate. He’s not. Ian Bishop at the NY Post has the details not only on a “questionable” 2005 land deal involving the Senator and a shady political fund-raiser, but on his very liberal voting record as well:.....   [Read More]