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March 21, 2007

A child’s innocence – and life – cruelly stolen

Earlier this evening, I was sitting here at my computer blogging and heard some chatter close by. I looked outside my window and saw that one of my neighbors was outside working on his car (putting on a spare tire), and his son – who is probably about five or six years old – was out there with him. I gazed out the window from time to time, as I would hear the young boy laughing and talking. One minute, he’d be riding his scooter, and another minute he’d be inquiring to his dad about what he was doing. At one point, his dad started showing the little guy how to screw in (or unscrew?) a lugnut (I think that’s what they’re called) from a wheel. The dad let his son give it a try, with a little assistance, of course. I thought it was absolutely adorable. Dad and son doing ‘manly’ stuff, with the dad showing eternal patience and the son showing an inquisitiveness that is unique and special to children......   [Read More]