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November 28, 2007

Stem-cell research breakthroughs: How soon will it take before the secular left shifts their “pro-science” arguments?

Joseph Bottum writes a must-read piece today for the Wall Street Journal in which he discusses the breakthroughs we’ve seen recently on the non-embryonic stem cell research front, and how that could re-shape the secular left’s views on the importance of science in finding cures for diseases. In essence, he predicts, since we’re seeing so many positive results from scientists without having to use embryos, that the left’s arguments will shift to one of a more cautious nature on what scientists say about stem cell research......   [Read More]


Sorry I’m a little late on the post – for those who can’t watch the debate (or don’t want to) ST reader steveegg is liveblogging it, and has a roundup of others who are liveblogging as well. He’s using that neat CoverItLive software that enables a blogger to liveblog without the reader having to refresh their browser for updates. Brian at Liberty Pundit is doing the same here......   [Read More]