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February 3, 2008

What Barack Obama means when he talks about “change” and “bipartisanship”

Ever notice that during every presidential election cycle, at least one candidate is promising a "change" in Washington, DC?  This year’s agent of "change" is Senator Barack Obama.    The speech he made when he announced his candidacy back in February 2007 was titled "Change We Can Believe In."  It’s been the centerpiece of his candidacy.  He wants to end the gridlock in Washington, DC, reach across partisan lines, all in order to "get things done."  When the average person hears that, they may think, "Wow, he really wants to extend a hand to the other side of the aisle and work together to come up with solutions both sides can be happy with.".....   [Read More]

Code Pink and the Marine Recruiting Center – in photos

Last week I wrote about the latest anti-war activities going on in Berkeley that involved the Berkeley city council passing two resolutions denouncing the Iraq war, the Marcine Recruiting Center, and granting the ‘pro-peace’ gang at Code Pink with a parking space at the recruiting center for six months, and exempting them from having them to apply for a sound permit for the next six months.  In response, Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is drafting legislation to rescind federal money for any earmarks that pertain to Berkeley......   [Read More]