RNC House recruitment for 2010 looks promising

It’s much too detailed of a post for me to quote a small portion from, so make sure you click this link to read Jim Geraghty’s round-up of good RNC House recruiting news for 2010 candidates. As Geraghty explains, next year will be the first year since 2004 that national Republicans won’t be running against a strong wind, so we may see our first opportunity to reverse the stinging losses we faced in 2006 and 2008.

His brief descriptions of some of them are intriguing – some are veterans, some are businessmen. I can’t wait to read more about them later tonight when I have the time to research.

As Obama’s “change” leaves less and less change in the pockets of American families, some of those voters may very well say “enough” out of frustration and turn to the GOP. We shall see.

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