“[T]he West is surrendering on the installment plan to Islamic extremists”

As always, Thomas Sowell pegs it:

Britain’s release of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi β€” the Libyan terrorist whose bomb blew up a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, killing 270 people β€” is galling enough in itself. But it is even more profoundly troubling as a sign of a larger mood that has been growing in the Western democracies in our time.

In ways large and small, domestically and internationally, the West is surrendering on the installment plan to Islamic extremists.

The late Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn put his finger on the problem when he said: “The timid civilized world has found nothing with which to oppose the onslaught of a sudden revival of barefaced barbarity, other than concessions and smiles.”

He wrote this long before Barack Obama became president of the United States. But this administration epitomizes the “concessions and smiles” approach to countries that are our implacable enemies. Western Europe has gone down that path before us, but we now seem to be trying to catch up.

Still, the release of a mass-murdering terrorist, who went home to a hero’s welcome in Libya, shows that President Obama is not the only one who wants to move away from the idea of a “war on terror” β€” as if that will stop the terrorists’ war on us.

The ostensible reason for releasing al-Megrahi was compassion for a man terminally ill. It is ironic that this was said in Scotland, for exactly 250 years ago another Scotsman β€” Adam Smith β€” said, “Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.”

That lesson seems to have been forgotten in America as well, where so many people seem to have been far more concerned about whether we have been nice enough to the mass-murdering terrorists in our custody than those critics have ever been about the innocent people beheaded or blown up by the terrorists themselves.

Depressing, but a must-read nevertheless, especially when you consider the fact that these days, the Obama administration considers the biggest threat to America to be “right wing domestic terrorists.”

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