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November 30, 2009

The ClimateGate money trail

For the last few decades, when it’s come to the debate over global warming and whether or not it is “man-made”, alarmists in both the activist community and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) usually will immediately point to any money tie global warming skeptics have to “big oil” and related industries as if to suggest that a money tie alone is good enough reason to dismiss claims made by “the deniers.” On the other hand, very little attention is paid by our so-called “objective” MSM to the extensive money ties of those who have made pushing the AGW agenda their life’s work. .....   [Read More]

Informal poll: Are Mike Huckabee’s 2012 presidential ambitions now DOA?

In light of the news that the suspect wanted in the Lakewood, WA ambush – which left four police officers dead – was granted clemency upon a time by then-Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, can he effectively kiss any 2012 presidential hopes he may have had goodbye? Bloomberg takes a look at the potential political fallout for Huck:.....   [Read More]