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April 2010, Page 2

Treasury Dept.: Yeah, technically GM hasn’t paid back bailout $$. So what?

You know those very misleading ads GM has been running about how they have supposedly “paid back with interest, five years in advance” their government bailout money? Unsurprisingly, the Obama administration has also been bragging about the announcement as well, but Republican Senators rightly are not buying it, and have questioned both GM and the Treasury Dept. Here’s how Treasury responded (via blogprof):.....   [Read More]

Are the MSM souring a bit on the Obama WH?

A few weeks ago, I discussed and linked up to an intriguing piece that talked about the cushy, inappropriate ‘professional’ relationships certain mainstream media journalists had/have with the WH – specifically, those MSMers who are in line to write books (not very hard hitting ones, I presume) on the life and times of the Obama administration at a future date, suck-up writers who admittedly hold on to certain information to use it in their respective books rather than report it in real time......   [Read More]