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“Leading” presidential “scholars” rank Obama ahead of Reagan on “best Presidents” list

Officially the most worthless list [1] evah?

George W. Bush was no FDR, but Barack Obama could be.

That’s the verdict of 238 of the nation’s leading presidential scholars, who – for a fifth time – rated Franklin Delano Roosevelt the best president ever in the latest Siena College Research Institute poll [2].

In office for barely two years, Obama entered the survey in the 15th position – two spots behind Bill Clinton and three spots ahead of Ronald Reagan.

Obama got high marks for intelligence, ability to communicate and imagination, but his score was dragged down by his relative lack of experience and family background.

“Most of the presidents came from elite backgrounds, and he certainly did not,” said professor Douglas Lonnstrom, who crunched the numbers. “He grew up without a father.”

How did GWB rank? Predictably:

And yet, the scholars rated Dubya a dud as a president, ranking him in the bottom five at 39th place.

That’s a steep drop from 23rd place, which is where Bush ranked when he entered the survey after his first year in office.

Bush got docked for saddling Obama with two bloody wars and a recession, and he got low marks for “ability to compromise, foreign policy accomplishments and intelligence,” according to the survey.


The scholars ranked the presidents on personal attributes such as integrity, intelligence, leadership and willingness to take risks as well as things they have little control over, like luck.

And, and Obama’s also a “hip” liberal, which makes him even more better than Reagan … and stuff!!!?!

Bob Owens [3] quipped on Twitter [4]:

Poll of academics concludes Obama is one of our best Presidents ever, reveals I’m Playmate of the Year.


Maybe the “scholars” ranked Obama so high [5], in part, not because of what he has done but because of … what he may do in the future, which is simlar the rationale [6] used by the Nobel committee in awarding [7] him the Nobel Peace prize [8], another worthless “honor.”