Sherrod: Fox News, Breitbart, and their supporters are “racists”

Wonder how the folks who have tried to turn Shirley Sherrod into a saint will feel after reading this today (via Memeorandum):

The woman at the center of the Andrew Breitbart/NAACP/Obama Administration/USDA/probably-Journolist-but-who’s-keeping-track-at-this-point scandal, Shirley Sherrod, spoke to Media Matters’ Joe Strupp today about the experience of going from cable news villain to heroine in less than 24 hours, and unlike many in the media, Sherrod is not angered by the White House or the NAACP: She’s reserving her outrage for Breitbart and Fox News.

Of Breitbart, Sherrod claims she did not know who he was before the scandal broke, and that she was not contacted for comment before the highly-abridged version of her speech. β€œHe never contacted me,” she explains. β€œI think they intended it to be what it ended up being, a racist thing that could unite even more the racist people out there who follow them.”


She also accused Fox News of racism, telling Strupp that β€œthey are after a bigger thing, they would love to take us back to… where black people were looking down, not looking white folks in the face, not being able to compete for a job out there and not be a whole person.”

I see she’s got her anti-“Faux News”/”raaacists are out to get me” talking points down pat. Why am I not surprised? As I noted in an earlier post, she took a nasty swipe at Republicans in the unedited version of her speech, calling them “racists” for opposing Obama, while the audience made clear their agreement with her smear.

More from Mediaite:

And– surprise, surprise– she wants to sue, but isn’t sure who to attack legally yet: β€œI don’t know enough to know. I wish I did. I would love to sue. I am going to talk about it.” Sherrod has a lot to be angry about, and given the number of frivolous lawsuits filed in this country, she probably has legitimate ground to stand on against, at the very least, the USDA for using this video to fire her.

The most striking thing about this interview is how aggressively Sherrod takes on Fox News, so much so that it eclipses her rebukes of Breitbart, who originally ran the video. As Bret Baier argued yesterday, Fox News didn’t cover the story before her resignation (aside from a few comments in their primetime opinion hour). What’s more, the day after her resignation, Fox News’ opinion hosts covered the story in a light favorable to Sherrod and unfavorable to the NAACP and the White House.

Shirley Sherrod, YOU owe Fox News an apology.

Now, excuse me while I got beat my head against a wall for five minutes.


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