Still don’t think we should quit the UN?

If yesterday’s post didn’t convince you, maybe Mary Katharine Ham’s “The top 10 UN-believable moments of 2010” will. Here’s one:

No. 7: Have you ever wondered what it might look like if the U.S. subjected itself to a peer review of its human rights record by the world’s leading violators of human rights? The UN’s got you covered, and the Obama administration is honored to be there for it.

The Human Rights Council, which is now only 40 percent democratic, created a process in 2006 by which all members submit a report on their human rights records to the review of the council every four years. This year, Obama administration representatives Esther Brimmer and Michael Posner listened as Iran, North Korea, Egypt and China, among others, lectured the United States on its human rights record and history of racial discrimination.

Don’t forget, it was at this same “peer” review that the Obama administration claimed it was fighting for human rights — by suing Arizona. Yes, an American state, a democratic republic with the rule of law, was held up for judgment to… North Korea. Sorry, that still galls me.

Anyway, be sure to read the rest of MKH’s list; some are real doozies.

via The Anchoress

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)

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