National Public Radio, or National Money-laundering Radio?

**Posted by Phineas

When James O’Keefe released his sting video of NPR executives trashing conservatives, Republicans, and Jews while currying favor with what they though were potential donors from a Muslim Brotherhood front group, he promised a follow up. I had a feeling he wasn’t just blowing smoke; a slow drip of explosive revelations is the style he honed while working under Andrew Breitbart.

But I never thought it would be this good. Offering to hide the source of a donation from the IRS?

In case you don’t want to watch the whole thing, here’s the key portion, via The Daily Caller:

New video released Thursday afternoon indicates National Public Radio intended to accept a $5 million donation from fictitious Muslim Brotherhood front group Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC) Trust – and that the publicly funded radio network might have helped MEAC make the donation anonymously to protect it from a federal government audit.

When a man posing as Ibrahim Kasaam asked, “It sounded like you were saying NPR would be able to shield us from a government audit, is that correct?” NPR’s senior director of institutional giving, Betsy Liley, responded, “I think that is the case, especially if you are anonymous. I can inquire about that.” According to conservative James O’Keefe, whose Project Veritas organization conducted the NPR sting organization, the man posing as Kasaam made two follow-up phone calls to Liley after their lunch.

Liley said a $5 million donation would amount to about “10 years of support.”

Kasaam follows up by asking: “The fact that NPR is not only a tax-exempt organization, but also receives direct contributions from the government — does that invite some sort of government oversight or government examination of contributions, et cetera?”

Liley answered: “They have audited our programs at times and, I think, as part of that, they can look at our audited financials. If you are concerned in any way about that, that’s one reason you might want to be an anonymous donor. And, we would certainly, if that was your interest, want to shield you from that.

Emphasis added.

Liley goes on to say the same anonymous-donor protection was afforded to universities and other donors, but, come on! There’s a difference between taking money from, say, Notre Dame and covering up a gift from a self-admitted front for the Ikhwan. You know, the organization whose motto is:

“Allah is our goal, the Prophet is our leader, the Quran is our constitution, the Jihad is our way, and the Death for Allah is our most exalted wish.”

But, don’t worry; NPR will make sure no one in the government knows the money came from the same group that founded Hamas, an organization designated as a terrorist organization by the Department of State.

Forget cutting their funding — NPR will be lucky if the FBI doesn’t show up with search warrants.

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)

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