Epic Fail: College Democrats explain why they’re Democrats (VIDEO)

This self-important nitwittery is almost painful to watch. These people weren’t reading off of a teleprompter, but perhaps they should have been:

My favorite “declarations” were from the guy who said he was a Democrat because Democrats were the “party of civil rights” (newsflash!), and the gal who said she was a Democrat because she believes more women should be involved in politics and that the best vehicle for that was the Democrat party (another newsflash!). Then there was the guy who said he was a Democrat because America “is a democracy, not a theocracy” (and yet another newsflash!).

That’s 2 minutes and 17 seconds of my life I will never get back. Sigh. The things I read and watch for my readers ….

Update – 6/28/11 – 6:31 PM: Unreal. The video apparently was removed by the College Democrats after much ridicule. I’ve replaced the original video link with a new one to the same video.

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