Bill Whittle: Democrats and the politics of envy

**Posted by Phineas

Bill Whittle returns to PJTV in a revival of his show “Afterburner.” And he doesn’t come back quietly, sneaking through the backdoor. Nope, Bill kicks in the front door, storms in, and confronts the viewer with the truth about poverty in America: that it’s not nearly as bad as we’re told day after day, whether by comparison to the rest of the world, or to the well-off here at home.

So why are we told these fables? Because, Bill argues, the Democrats and the Left (but I repeat myself) need these myths to stoke the fires of envy and resentment in order to use that anger in their quest for power. In the process, they have created large numbers of people who are dependent creatures of government and who feel entitled to other people’s money — not as charity or help, but as a right. Those who feed that envy are “poor-mongers,” the real exploiters of the poor.

Welcome back, Bill:

By the way, the Heritage Foundation study that forms the basis for this episode is very interesting reading.

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)

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