Uptwinkles: Gingrich on #OWS

**Posted by Phineas

First it was arrogant, ignorant debate moderators who felt the wrath of Newt; now it’s the turn of the arrogant, ignorant (1) Occupy movement to be sliced and diced:

I’ve been resistant to a Gingrich candidacy for various reasons, but, if he keeps this up, I may have to take a second look at Newt on the strength of the entertainment value, alone.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering about that whole up- and downtwinkles thing, an Occupier explains.

via Steven Hayward, who wonders if Newt isn’t having an “I paid for this mike” moment. Video courtesy of RuBegonia.

(1) I’m detecting a theme, here…

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)