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Bad news: President Obama will not deport @PiersMorgan (chuckle)

Darn it [1]:

The White House defended Morgan’s First Amendment right to free speech regarding the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The White House officially responded to a petition to deport Piers Morgan on Wednesday by defending the CNN anchor’s right to free speech regarding the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

“Let’s not let arguments over the Constitution’s Second Amendment violate the spirit of its First,” White House press secretary Jay Carney wrote in the response [2]. “Americans may disagree on matters of public policy and express those disagreements vigorously, but no one should be punished by the government simply because he or she expressed a view on the Second Amendment — or any other matter of public concern.”

Morgan tweeted  [3]in response, “President Obama has officially decided I am NOT being deported.”

The White House has promised to officially respond to any petition that garners more than 25,000 signatures on its We the People website. The petition to deport Morgan, a U.K. citizen and CNN anchor, has almost 110,000 signatures. Carney, in his response, thanked signers for “participating” by speaking out on the White House petition site.

As I wrote in a prior post [4] on the petition to deport Morgan, I suspect most of the people who signed it weren’t literally trying to get him thrown out – but instead just wanted to send him a strong message that his anti-American messages (he said in December that the Constitution was “basically, inherently flawed [5]” – along with the Bible)  weren’t welcomed, nor would they be tolerated sitting down.  If the message has been received, you’d never know it, because Morgan’s ignorant, fascistic anti-gun blather hasn’t stopped, and in fact has gotten worse.

Fine. That’s his right. But we also have the right to counter what he says.  That is if he’s not going to start on a mission to  ‘amend’ the First Amendment [6] as well …

In related news, it sounds like Morgan has an ally in his war on the Second Amendment: MSDNC’s Ed Schultz (I know, you’re surprised – right?).  Here’s what Schultz [7] said about the 2A yesterday, where he piled on the stupid (bolded emphasis added by me):

Schultz admitted he is sportsman and has used firearms himself. But he argued that the Constitution is “archaic” with regards to firearms.

“I’m a sportsman,” he continued. “I’ve hunted for over 35 years. Do I look like a guy who wants to see my firearms and my freedoms being taken away? No, of course not. But there are sensible laws. You know, we’re right now operating on a document that is archaic in many ways. The Constitution in the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms — they didn’t have machine guns back then, and they didn’t have high-capacity clips back then. They had muskets. And the Constitution has latitude for us to move on this, because society has changed, attitudes have changed, technology and manufacturing has changed. And the death on our streets in this country [has] changed. And we need to do something about it.”

Morgan himself has made similar ridiculous [8] “arguments” about how the 2A revolved around muskets and the like – and was promptly put in his place by author Carol Roth:

Watching Morgan get his posterior kicked all over Twitter has been both amusing and instructional.  It began when the CNN host decided to stick up for NBC sportscaster Bob Costas and his gun-control sucker punch [9]on “Sunday Night Football.”  Morgan said, via Twitter: “The 2nd Amendment was devised with muskets in mind, not high-powered handguns & assault rifles. Fact.”

It’s always cute when someone tries to make colossal ignorance look authoritative by putting the word “fact” at the end.  Does CNN have anyone who doesn’t think like a teenager?

Morgan was prompty set upon by author Carol Roth [10], who pointed out that the Second Amendment “was devised for people to be able to protect themselves with the same type of weaponry used by those from whom they might need protection.”  (Expanded, as with all quotes in this post, from Twitter contractions, in the interests of readability.)


Morgan’s answer to Roth set up one of the greatest intellectual smackdowns in Internet history: “Where exactly does it say that in the Constitution – must have missed it?”

Roth lowered the boom: “Right next to the word ‘muskets.’”


Gotta watch out for these “the Constitution is old and outdated” living Constitution types … like a hawk.