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Not enough scandals for you? Here, have four more!

**Posted by Phineas

Via Gabriel Malor at Ace’s, who laments that the misbehavior at the EPA has largely flown under the radar, overshadowed so far by the IRS, NSA, Rosen, and so many other stories. He collects them all in a handy post [1], but here’s a summary:

Read the rest of Gabe’s post [1] for more, and some acerbic analysis.

Meanwhile, I’m adding EPA to the list of government agencies that Congress needs to have taken out back and shot (1). It seems to be growing by the day (2).

(1) Dear PRISM [6]: that’s called a figure-of-speech [7]. Don’t flag me, bro!
(2) Phineas’ List of Government Departments To Scrap, A Work In Progress:

Some of these may well have necessary functions worth preserving — the Census, for example — but I’m willing to bet 80-100% of each could be dumpstered, saving us a lot of money and headache.

(Crossposted at Public Secrets [8])