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Kerry is so very ….

…. hypocritical. Yesterday, the most liberal Senator in MA took a page out of the Michael Moore Talking Points Manual to criticize the president for his immediate reaction to the September 11 attacks when he sat in the classroom with the young kids for seven minutes. Red takes us back to just last month to refresh our memory (and hopefully Kerry’s) on how HE reacted to the September 11th attacks:.....   [Read More]

No boost for Kerry after convention

This hasn’t happened since 1972 when George McGovern ran for president. The significance of this can’t be overstated. *W* recieved a bounce, according to the USA Today poll. I also heard W this weekend on a stump speech (heard a few soundbytes) and they guy sounds pumped up. I think he’s getting his second wind and is going to come out swinging. Are you listening, John Kerry?.....   [Read More]