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Page 2011

The Spanish Capitulation part XXIVIVIIIIIIIIII

Yes, I know countless blogs and op/ed pieces around the globe have discussed the impact that the Spanish elections are already having on the war On terror but I couldn’t resist adding my .02. I’d been thinking about this all week and wanting to post something about it. When I woke up this morning and read the latest Opinion Pieces from the Wall Street Journal, I came across one that caught my interest. And it’s written by the editor of a Spanish daily. Looks like there are a few in Spain who get the implicit message behind the elections there last week. The piece compares prime minister-elect, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, to Neville Chamberlain:.....   [Read More]

Puff piece in People Magazine on Gavin Newsom

Did any of you see it? Just got the latest issue of People Magazine (Donald Trump is on the cover) and inside to my surprise found a puff piece on Mayor Gavin Newsom and his wife Kimberly. Has a picture of him (along with his wife) getting food ready to serve to the homeless as well as talking about how he has proposed a pay cut for himself and propose to make city workers pay for their own parking. Also mentions a quote from some Dem strategist about how he is being compared to President Clinton......   [Read More]

I’m baaaaack!

Been on hiatus for a couple of weeks but I have returned. I have a LOT of commentary to go over concerning several issues that have happened as of late. This presidential season is shaping up to be – uh, “mucky” to say the least .....   [Read More]