Howard Dean: The gift that keeps on givin’
Lorie Byrd at Wizbang has the latest news on silly statements and blatant hypocrisies coming out of the mouth of DNC Chair Howie Dean.
Somethin’s awfully fishy about this guy …
More: Check out Florida Masochist’s take on the Dr. of Disology’s latest stunts.
- Reverend Dean wants your vote!
- Howard Dean pronounces Rove guilty anyway, yet gave OBL presumption of innocence two years ago!
- The DNC is unhappy with Howard Dean again
- Dems to Dean: where’s the money?
- Chris Wallace interviews Howard Dean
- Best advice given to Dean this year
- Thank you for confirming it, Howard
- Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah! Er, Nooooooooo!
- Howard Dean is not getting the job done
- Howie doesn’t like Arnie
- Howard Dean: Weapon of Self Destruction V3.0
- Celebrity/Character lookalikes
- Howard Dean finally figures it out
- Howard Dean: Weapon of Self Destruction
- “We’re going to use Terri Schiavo later on”
- More hypocrisy discovered in the Dean camp
- Why Howard Dean should not be President
- Howard Dean: The Mysterious Stranger