On the expansion of SCHIP, weak-kneed Republicans, and far lefties who’d like to shut down the debate via intimidation
This post pretty much says it all.
It was so easily predictable that the far left would howl in “outrage” after conservatives started questioning the Democrats’ use of 12 year-old Graeme Frost and the Frost family as the poster family for the expansion of SCHIP. As I’ve written before at this blog, the left in this country would like nothing more than to completely shut down the debate on their pet issues, and they often do it by playing the Absolute Moral Authority card in an attempt to make anyone who dares to question their claims look “insensitive” and “cold-hearted” for trying to get to the heart of the matter. Their tactics used to work well in the past, but with the popularity of talk radio, and then blogs, they lost their ability to make assertions without question (all this is, of course, is in addition to their wish to reinstitute the unconstitutional Fairness Doctrine).
Yet even today, they still try to trot out the elderly, the sick, the poor, the helpless – all as show pieces in a desperate attempt to “win” arguments based on emotion, rather than fact. Sometimes, unfortunately, they still win using these tactics, especially when you have weak-kneed Republicans in Washington, DC who would rather bloggers do their dirty work and ask the tough questions, rather than to risk themselves the possiblity of being labeled a “child hater.”
Some of those same Republicans, thankfully, are strong on matters of national security but that is not the only area we for them to show and maintain their strength. When it comes to bloated entitlement programs, conservatives in Washington, DC need to stiffen their spines and not let the Democrats intimidate them politically into not speaking their minds. Their conservative principles are what got them elected in the first place, yet when they get there, some of them forget that. It’s up to their constituencies to remind them, whether it’s through contacting their offices – or at the ballot box.
If Republicans in Washington, DC really are really serious about getting back to a smaller government, then they need to do their part, too. Bloggers and their readers can only do so much. We elect our representatives to do exactly as the word suggests: represent our interests in Congress. It’s time for conservatives in Congress to stop frontin’ (as the slang goes) and, well, start representin’.
Others blogging about this: Dan Collins, John Hawkins, Prairie Pundit, Right Voices, Ankle Biting Pundits, McQ, Dan Riehl