Thanks for the memories, Hillary – not. (Weekend Open Thread)

Remember that sunburn I talked about getting the day I attended the Hillary rally in Gastonia? Well, it’s left a permanent mark: newly-formed freckles on my shoulders.

I guess you could say La Clintonista left a lasting impression on me – and it’s even worse than my intial impression going into the dang rally in the first place! :(

Speaking of impressions, of the good variety this time, Mary Katharine Ham will be exiting stage right from next month to take a new position at the DC Examiner. From their press release:

As online editor of, Ham will be responsible for overall management of the site’s news and editorial content and staff, as well as working with Examiner and outside resources on creative development of new features and functionality. She will work from the Examiner’s downtown Washington, D.C. newsroom and will start June 10.

“We are especially excited and proud to have Mary Katharine Ham join The Washington Examiner because she among the most respected young stars of online journalism and is also well-known to cable television and talk radio audiences through her regular appearances on ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ on Fox News” said Vivienne Sosnowski, editorial director of Clarity Media, which publishes The Washington Examiner, The Baltimore Examiner and the San Francisco Examiner, as well as the web site.

“Her hiring demonstrates again our commitment to building a great news and information company that excels in three channels, including newspapers, online and video” Sosnowski said.

MKH is a gal who is definitely going places. Make sure to check in at her blog and wish her well.

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