Never give up, never give in
Well – yeah, didn’t you know that was the far left’s motto?
Not against real enemies to America, mind you, but to their public enemy #1: George W. Bush. They decided the last few days of inaugural festivities in our nation’s Capitol would provide ample opportunities for them to flip the middle finger (quite literally) at the man who, in spite of many other faults, kept this nation secure from terrorist attacks consistently after the horror that took place on our soil on 9-11, attacks that took the lives of 3,000 innocents, including 29 years-old newlywed Peter Edward Mardikian.
The pictures and video in that link just go to show that although we all grow older, some just don’t know how to grow the hell up and, well, get a life. Robert Stacy McCain believes that after today, the “leftoid freak show is over.”