DNC: Resistance to ObamaCare is futile

… and they’ll paint any opposition to it as nothing more than “organized right wing fringe mobs.”

A perfect description of the DNC’s despicable ad:

A video version of yesterday’s communique from DNC headquarters about mobs of right-wing extremists whose extreme mobbiness threatens to mob ObamaCare with extremism. All that’s missing are the captions you used to see in trailers for 50s horror movies. β€œTHRILL to angry conservatives walking around with signs. TREMBLE as a woman holding an American flag yells at a congressman. SCREAM as Democrats absorb one one-millionth the degree of demonization George Bush suffered over eight years.”

No need for outrage, though. Instead, celebrate the fact that even with a Democratic president, a filibuster-proof Congress, and the lure of β€œfree” ice cream in the form of socialized medicine, the left’s somehow managed to turn ObamaCare into a clusterfark of such epic proportions that their health-care message has now actually been reduced to β€œDon’t listen to the Republicans β€” they’re crazy.”

But I thought dissent was supposed to be “patriotic”? :-?

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