Happy 8th Blogiversary to me – and to Ed Morrissey, too!
… 8 years* of consistently being a thorn in the side of liberals and their allies in the mainstream press, as well as doing my best to be a champion of the conservative ideals that made this country great and that will make it better one day soon again. Thanks, my dear readers, for riding alongside me on this roller coaster of a journey. I’ll keep going as long as the good Lord lets me.
Also, a mega-shout out also goes to my “blog bro” Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air, who is celebrating his 8th blogiversary. He continues to be an inspiration not just to me but also to many up and coming bloggers/writers/radio hosts. Another big time shout-out goes to my co-blogger Phineas, a commenter to the blog who has been reading the site for several years himself. I wouldn’t trust handing the keys to my blog baby to just anyone, you know. Hats off to him for continuing to do a fantabulous job.
Here’s to continuing keeping it real, and to holding our politicos’ and mainstream media types’ respective feet to the fire!
*For the three years prior to that I was giving liberals a hard time at political message boards.