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All you need to know about actress Ashley Judd in one quote (or maybe two)

LoserI’m not one of those conservatives who want popular singers to “shut up and sing”, or want award-winning actors and actresses to “shut up and act.” For one thing, I know some there are some darned smart Hollywood conservatives out there like “Chuck” actor Adam S. Baldwin (currently ripping Alec Baldwin – no relation – a new one [1]) who have strong, intelligent, thoughtful voices that need to be heard and heard often.  And even though I often strongly disagree with much of what Hollywood liberals have to offer in the way of “enlightened opinions”, I respect their right  to express them and in the process make complete a**ses out of themselves on a routine basis, exposing themselves as among the most hateful, intolerant “tolerant” leftists on the planet (see Roseanne Barr [2], for example, for more) .

Actress Ashley Judd is no exception to that rule.

Judd, who proudly admits to being a staunchly “pro-choice feminist”, recently sat down for an interview for Meet the Press’s “Press Pass” [3] and in one quote told us everything [4] we need to know about who she is and her thought process when it comes to political candidates and policy (bolded emphasis added by me):

“I think that he is a powerful leader, I think that he is a brilliant man I think that he has an incredible devotion to our Constitution, and that he is now able to flower more as the president I knew he could be,” Judd said about Obama.

Uh … “incredible devotion to our Constitution”? Er, yeah. OK. 8-|

For laughs, I link to you a bonus quote [5] from Judd, which brings back to mind something I said about militant feminists recently. Here she is in that same interview on her initial disappointment with Obama, what brought her back to his camp — and what she feels would bring women voters to the polls in the fall to vote for him (bolded emphasis added by me):

The actress and political activist was asked by “Meet the Press” host David Gregory on NBC’s “Press Pass” web show [6] whether she has been disappointed by Obama since he won election in 2008: “To a certain extent I was for the first couple of years. But I also know that President Obama came in inheriting an extraordinary mess, and did his absolute best to do triage… And now I’m pretty fired up again, you know, and I think that he is a powerful leader.”


The 44-year-old celeb, who was selected as an official delegate for Tennessee at the Democratic National Convention in September, offered her thoughts on what would drive women to the voting booths come November, saying, “As long as the Republicans keep doing really dumb things about women’s reproductive health, that should help energize girls and women in this country.”

Ah yes. He was a huge disappointment for a couple of years, but he’ll save womyn from big bad evil Republicans who wanna keep ’em poor, barefoot, sick, pregnant, and in the kitchen!   As I said a few weeks [7] ago about “feminists” and men:

“Feminists” should be outraged over [Julia], but they’re not. And won’t be. It’s funny. They’ll tell you they “don’t need a man” but that’s not true at all. They’ll always turn to Uncle Sam … their leader/hero/savior/sugar daddy. Over and over and over again. .

Case in point, Ms. Judd.

Toldjah so.

Cross-posted to Public Secrets [8], where I’m helping out while Phineas is on jury duty. :)