Muslim terrorists hit Sweden

The Religion of Peace lived up to its name again, this time in an attempted mass murder of Christmas shoppers in the Swedish capital, Stockholm. Two separate bombs went off, but, thankfully, only two Swedes were injured:

A car loaded with gas canisters detonated in a busy section of downtown Stockholm today, followed by another explosion 10 minutes later caused by a suicide bomber.

After the explosions, the bomber was found dead lying about 300 yards away from the car bomb, reportedly wearing a suicide vest and a backpack full of nails and surrounded by the remains of pipe bombs. The bombs apparently were inexpertly crafted and failed to detonate to full capacity. Two people were wounded in the bombings, which took place in a street filled with Christmas shoppers.

Only minutes before the attacks, the Swedish Security Police (SAPO) had received an email warning, with sound files in both Swedish and Arabic, referring to the presence of Swedish forces in Afghanistan and to the cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed by Swedish artist Lars Viks, Reuters reported.

“Our actions will speak for themselves, as long as you do not end your war against Islam and humiliation of the Prophet and your stupid support for the pig Viks,” the speaker threatened on the tape, as reported by Swedish news agency TT.

The message threatened the Swedish state and its people, according to the BBC, saying the time had come for them to die “like our brothers and sisters.” It also exhorted militant Muslims in Sweden and Europe to rise up against the West.

The Long War Journal notes the similarity of these attacks to the attempted Times Square bombing a few months ago, indicating perhaps another attack by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, the Pakistani Taliban. Sweden had been on high alert for several weeks, as a Mumbai-style attack had been feared in Europe for several weeks.

And you can bet, in politically correct, multiculturalist Sweden, Swedish authorities, media, and the intellectual elite will put the blame for this anywhere but where it rightly belongs: the doctrine of jihad fi sabil Allah (“War for the sake of Allah”) and the supremacist, separationist, and aggressive attitudes toward non-Muslims built into Islam.

Until our leaders recognize the religious aspect of a war that’s been going on for over a thousand years, these attacks are going to happen again and again.

They are still trying to kill us.

LINKS: More from Moe Lane, Jihad Watch, and Hot Air.

UPDATE: The Jawa Report has video. Big Peace calls it the Christmas jihad.

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)

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