Unreal: Park Service threatens to arrest WWII vets who try to visit their memorial

**Posted by Phineas

'You're not welcome."

So, you’ve heard the story today about the group of World War II veterans who had to break through barriers deliberately placed there by the Obama administration as part of its game-playing over the Democrat-forced government shutdown. It’s bad enough that they were deliberately inconveniencing 80-90 year old men who honorably served their country. I thought that was pretty low. And I was right, but I didn’t think they could sink any lower.

Well, they did. A group of veterans scheduled for an Honor Flight next week have been threatened with arrest if they try to visit the memorial that was erected in their honor:

Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio has a trip scheduled to depart from Toledo next Wednesday, October 9.

“We will make the call this Friday to determine if the flight is still a go, or if we will have to re-schedule,” Armstrong explains.

He says they are considering going ahead with the trip even if the government is still on shutdown, but when he called the parks service, he was told they would face arrest.

Armstrong says, “I said, are you kidding me? You’re going to arrest a 90/91-year-old veteran from seeing his memorial? If it wasn’t for them it wouldn’t be there. She said, ‘That’s correct sir.'”

When he asked for her name, he says she did not give it to him and then promptly hung up the phone.

Think about this for a moment: these men and their buddies crossed the Atlantic to fight their way from Morocco to Italy. They stormed the beaches of Normandy, liberated France, and and invaded Germany to grind the Nazis into the dirt. They crossed the Pacific and fought the Japanese island by bloody island and in some of the greatest naval battles of human history, and stood ready to invade Japan, itself. They, along with our British and Russian allies, saved the world. Let me repeat that.

They. Saved. The. World.

They did more good in those three years of war than Barack Obama, Harry Reid, or Nancy Pelosi will ever do — in their lives.

And now they’re threatened with arrest if they dare to roll their wheelchairs onto the grounds of their memorial?

Someone needs some sense slapped into them.

Moe Lane at Red State:

…the WWII Memorial does not have a permanent security presence, which means that there is actually no valid, ethical reason why the Obama administration could presume to shut it down for the public. Not that the administration actually needs one. So they proactively locked down a previously-open national monument, and then presumed to tell the men whose sacrifice it honored that those men were not welcome at that place.

Never forget this moment. This is how Barack Obama acts, when challenged or resisted. He acts ugly, and mean-spirited, and shabby.

In other words, once a punk, always a punk.

“Disgusted” doesn’t half-cover how I feel right now.

via Stephen Hayes

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)

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