Islamic Antisemitism Watch: Jews are vampires

**Posted by Phineas

Hey, don’t take my word for it. Just ask honored Egyptian cleric Salem Abu-Futouh, who asserts “his truth” — that Jews kidnap children and use their blood for Passover matzos and wedding ceremonies. The ancient blood libel is alive and well in the heart of the Islamic world.

An excerpt from the transcript, dealing with weddings:

That’s not all. [Jews] are blood-sucking vampires. When a Jew wants to get married, he must fetch human blood and give it to the rabbi. The rabbi takes this blood and puts an egg in it. He cooks the egg in blood, instead of water. After the egg absorbs the human blood… Let me just say that when there is a wedding, they gather at the rabbi’s. The rabbi puts the egg in the man’s mouth, and he takes a bite. Then he puts it in the woman’s mouth, and she also takes a bite. The egg contains human blood. These are blood-sucking vampires, brothers. 

Funny, I’ve been to several Jewish weddings, never once seen that bloody egg.

This is just one example among many of the appalling Jew-hatred and conspiracy-mongering that’s rampant in the Arab media. The archives of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) are chock-full of this kind of material, stuff that would be funny for its outrageousness, were it not that these “learned scholars” are deadly serious. MEMRI does invaluable work keeping us informed of what’s being said in the region’s native languages, which is all-too often different from what they want us to hear when they speak English (or French, or other Western languages). They operate off private donations, which are tax-deductible. Please consider giving.

Meanwhile, will someone please explain to me just how the Israelis are supposed to make peace with their neighbors, when their media is filled with garbage like this?

RELATED: PJM’s Barry Rubin on the nature of Egyptian society after the fall of Mubarak. It’s not reassuring.

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)