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February 5, 2006

NSA ‘scandal’ fallout: convicted terrorist conspirators wanting cases thrown out

In yet another story to come out of the NSA ‘scandal’ that hasn’t received the attention it should, the AP is reporting that the information from the ‘whistleblowers’ that has come out regarding the NSA warrantless wiretaps scandals has spurred lawyers for some terrorist conspirators to ask for convictions for their clients to be overturned:.....   [Read More]

Multicultural sensitivity and how it can have brutal consequences

Mark Steyn writes today about the controversy over the Mohammed cartoons that has sparked a furor amongst Muslims overseas. In it, he argues in favor of the publication of the cartoons on free speech grounds and makes a great point that multicultural ‘sensitivity’ (such as that which is being shown in free societies such as our own) can and will lead to the downfall of civilization if we let it:.....   [Read More]