Where I’m at These Days

Howdy, y’all! Yep, I’m still around. I’m still doing what I love to do and am immensely thankful for the opportunities that I’ve been given to do so. You can find me at the following sites:
Howdy, y’all! Yep, I’m still around. I’m still doing what I love to do and am immensely thankful for the opportunities that I’ve been given to do so. You can find me at the following sites:
On Tuesday, the New York Times published a glowing piece on voter turnout in North Dakota in this month’s election. In particular, they focused on how a Democrat Native American candidate defeated the Republican state representative who was the primary sponsor of the state’s voter ID law.
Today marks the 15th anniversary of my entrance into the blogosphere.
It’s still hard to believe even today that something as horrifying as 9-11 happened on our soil. But it did, and we must never, ever forget it. Time passes on and life goes on, but for the victims – such as Peter Edward Mardikian, their families, and for the future of America, we must always remember – and always remain vigilant against the Islamofascists who would like nothing more than to commit many more 9-11s.
‘Cosby Show’ actor Geoffrey Owens was “job-shamed” over the weekend when images surfaced of him working at a Clifton, New Jersey Trader Joe’s. But his response, and the backlash to people making fun of him for making an honest living between acting gigs have provided a teachable moment for us all.
The Noor Salman trial and its conclusion, as recounted in a recent Huffington Post piece, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the MSM and opportunistic Democrat politicos were wrong to rush to judgment against conservatives immediately after the horrific Pulse nightclub murders.