Good news from Iraq

All Things Conservative points to the latest Brookings Institution Iraq Index, which contains some very positive economic information on the state of Iraq. Make sure to read Bill’s highlights from the Brooking’s PDF and when you have some time, check out the PDF in its entirety. It’s well worth the read. (Hat tip: Lorie Byrd at Polipundit)

In other encouraging news, Gateway Pundit reports:

Here is some very encouraging news translated by Iraqi-American Haider Ajina from the Iraqi media. Iraqi Sunni, Shia and Kurdish tribal leaders are meeting today to sign a pact to unite and fight terror!

Read the whole thing.

On a related note, the AP is reporting:

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Baghdad’s most senior Shiite cleric urged Iraqis Wednesday to unite for the sake of security as about 50 clerics and tribal leaders met in the capital to discuss ways of ending widespread violence.

Dressed in outfits ranging from business suits and ties to traditional Arab robes and head scarves, the tribal leaders and Sunni Arab, Shiite and Kurdish clerics met at Al-Hashimi mosque in northern Baghdad. At one point, they knelt on a carpet to pray together in a unified ritual.

Ayatollah Hussein Ismail al-Sadr, Baghdad’s most senior Shiite cleric, called for an end to bloodshed.

“Iraq is undergoing its most critical stage ever. Our blood is being shed every minute and our ordeals are increasing every day. The safety of Iraq should be above all other goals,” he said.

Al-Sadr urged his countrymen to “respect the opinions and beliefs of each other because it is the only way to preserve our country.”

More: Yes, we ARE winning in Iraq. Flopping Aces has a blogpost up about recently discovered AQ documents that suggest AQ is in serious disarray and lacks leadership – and Iraqi support. Iowa Voice is blogging about this, too, and has some thoughtful commentary.

Didn’t read, see, or hear report after report on the MSM about this great news? I didn’t either.

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