NJ Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage issued

The ruling was just issued on whether or not same sex couples in NJ should be allowed to marry. Via AP:

TRENTON, N.J. – New Jersey’s highest court ruled Wednesday that gay couples are entitled to the same rights as heterosexuals, but that lawmakers must determine whether the state will honor gay marriage or some other form of civil union.


Instead, the high court stopped short of fully approving gay marriage and gave lawmakers 180 days to rewrite marriage laws to either include gay couples or create new civil unions.

I’ll be interested in reading the opinions of some of the Volokh Conspiracy lawyers/bloggers to the ruling. I’ve not had a chance to read it yet, but Dale Carpenter has a brief summary posted here (along with a link to the ruling. Update: Here’s the HTML version, for those who don’t have Adobe).

Stop The ACLU has a lengthy commentary on the ruling – check it out. I’m reserving lengthy comment for the time being until I’ve read the ruling and checked out more analysis of it. My initial reaction, though, pretty much mirrors Allah’s. He writes:

It sounds like they’ll let the legislature put whatever label they want on it β€” “marriage” “civil unions” etc. β€” but that the state’s equal protection clause requires that the incidents of marriage be made available to same-sex couples to the same degree as they are to straights.

Here’s my opinion on gay marriage, for the record.

Update: Glenn Reynolds weighs in.

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