Carter Says North Koreans Didn’t Cheat

Basically your typical CYA statement from the worst Democrat President in history:

The Bush administration claim that North Korea cheated or reneged on a 1994 agreement with the U.S. to freeze its nuclear program is “completely false and ridiculous,” former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said.

Carter, a Democrat who helped broker the agreement with the North Koreans on behalf of then-President Bill Clinton, said the pact was “observed pretty well by both sides” for eight years.

“It lasted until 2002 when the United States in effect abandoned that agreement and branded North Korea as an axis of evil,” Carter, 82, said in an interview to be broadcast this weekend on “Conversations with Judy Woodruff” on Bloomberg Television. Carter also said the U.S. further undermined the agreement by condemning summit meetings that took place in 2000 between North Korea and South Korea.

Yeah, because everyone knows you can build a nuclear bomb in a couple of days, right? Carter and Clinton are trying to push the notion that it wasn’t they who dropped the ball and gave us a nuclear-armed North Korea, but Bush. They’d have you believe that on Monday, Bush called them the “axis of evil” and backed out of Clinton’s agreements, and on Wednesday, the Norks had the bomb.

Whatever, Jimmy. Drink a Billy Beer and get back to building your houses.

Brian runs the website Iowa Voice, and is filling in for ST for a few days.

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