Quote of the Day: Gov. Jerry Brown explains rationale for min. wage increase

California Governor Jerry Brown (D) made a candid admission yesterday in an effort to justify his signing into law a bill that would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour:
California Governor Jerry Brown (D) made a candid admission yesterday in an effort to justify his signing into law a bill that would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour:
Courtesy of a retweet yesterday, I came across a column journo, author, and business woman Soledad O’Brien praised and shared with her audience on Twitter, one that was written by a Facebook executive by the name of Margaret Gould Stewart. Stewart is the Director of Product Design at Facebook and developed a serious case of the vapors over the audacity of questioners at business conferences to ask successful female public figures who also happen to be moms how they manage to juggle it all. More on that in a minute.
And it was a beautiful thing. Via NBC News:
Just say no to road rage, OK? It’s just not worth it.