Breaking news: Impeached federal judge-turned House Rep. Alcee Hastings will not be chosen to chair the House Intelligence Committee
The State newspaper reports:
WASHINGTON — Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., will not be the next chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, a Democratic aide confirmed Tuesday as Hastings left a private meeting with Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
Among the others mentioned as possible intelligence committee heads are Reps. Silvestre Reyes of Texas, who is just behind Hastings in seniority on the intelligence panel; Norm Dicks of Washington, Anna Eshoo of California, Rush Holt of New Jersey and Sanford Bishop of Georgia.
Pelosi won’t back foe Calif. Rep. Jane Harman, so one of those mentioned above will be a likely pick. This is a shrewd, politically calculated move by Pelosi, which may backfire with the CBC, but regardless, it was a decision she needed to make. An impeached federal judge has no place being chair of any committee in Congress. For that matter, he really has no place in Congress – period, but there’s no accounting for taste amongst Hastings’ constituents, apparently.
Hat tip: Allah, who has multiple links on this story.
More: Ed Driscoll says “We’re still in the preseason, but that’s 0 for 2 for Speaker-to-be-Pelosi, incidentally.”
Update: Hastings is blaming this on “haters” – via TPMmuckracker:
“Best of all, I will be seeking better and bigger opportunities in a Democratic Congress. There is much to be accomplished and little time to re-set this nation’s economic and spiritual compass. I look forward to working with our new Speaker of the House and all of my colleagues to see that we do this at once.
“Sorry, haters, God is not finished with me yet.”