Harry Reid: Another liberal free speech hypocrite
It’s bad enough that “Dirty Harry” Reid is a corruptocrat who, year after year, has gotten away with being one of the shadiest Democrats in Washington, DC, but it gets even worse when you find out that Reid, like so many other Democrats, is only a big defender of the free speech when he’s not the one who is being criticized, as you’ll see from this report from Brian Maloney, who himself was a target of Reid’s back in the late 90s.
The far left in this country are incensed that the liberal domination of both the mainstream and opinion media has been over ever since talk radio came onto the scene strongly in the late 80s, and since Fox News was launched back in 1996, and as a result, they have taken to tactics like:
—- Trying to bring back the blatantly unconstitutional “Fairness Doctrine”,
— Trying to intimidate TV networks into dropping programming that portrays their heroes in a less than flattering light via threatening their broadcast license (a movement that was promoted heavily by Harry Reid) and threatening legal action,
—- Going on a witch hunt to dig up dirt on conservatives they didn’t like in order to have them fired from their jobs – all done under the guise of supposedly “desiring” honesty in reporting,
—- Taking to the floors of the House and Senate to denounce a conservative radio talk show host – mocking that host’s prescription drug problem,
—- And in addition to that, calling for the censoring of that talk show host from Armed Forces Radio as well as a “ratings system” for political speech,
—- Invoking the “chickenhawk” argument to try to shame war supporters who haven’t served from giving opinions on the war on terror,
—- And related to that, routinely playing the Absolute Moral Authority Card in shameless attempts at discrediting opposing viewpoints,
—- Attempting to shut down the minority in the House by changing a rule on the minority’s rights that has been in place in the House since 1822, and
—- Disrupting conservative speakers on college campuses by using violence in an effort to stifle that person’s speech.
And that’s just the short list.
As I’ve said before at this blog, the left’s claim to be the “true defenders” of free speech would be a big laugh if the issue itself wasn’t so serious. Whether it be by government force or otherwise, the far left would love nothing more than to be able to keep opposing viewpoints from being seen/read/heard. There is, of course, a reason for that, and that is because they’re not especially keen on conservatives exposing the numerous flaws in most of the viewpoints that liberals hold. And they especially don’t like the idea that conservative ideas resonate with a lot of people – way too many for liberal comfort.
It’s bad enough when the average Joe Liberal tries to shame conservatives into silence, but it’s another thing altogether when you have “leaders” in Congress like Harry Reid who want to use their power to control what we see/hear/read. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is a disgrace to the US Senate, and I sincerely hope the Nevadans who keep electing him to serve will finally wake up before the next election he could potentially run in again – in 2012. But whether or not they do decide to hold him accountable, the rest of us certainly will.

More: Kobayashi Maru has related thoughts on the Democrats’ latest attempts to silence the opposition.