Quick note

My right shoulder has been bothering me some today, which is why I haven’t blogged much – but I’ll be back tonight to blog the results of the Potomac Primaries, sore shoulder or not.

A trio of hot stories being discussed today:

—- Bush wins again: Captain Ed blogs about the Senate’s approval of immunity for telecoms in the FISA reform bill. Predictably, The Usual Suspects are hysterically battering their keyboards in protest.

—- The Berkeley City Council will tonight decide whether or not to revoke a letter they wrote telling the Marines they were unwelcome in their city. Predictions are that between the protestors on both sides of the aisle who are already going at it in advance of the Council meeting (see a few pix here), it may be the biggest protest Berkeley has seen in years. Move America Forward spearheaded the counter-protests to the Pinkos, and will be updating their site all day with photos and video.

—- The Dept. of Homeland Security and the FBI issued warnings today about possible female homicide bombers who could strike here on US soil – by posing as expectant mothers. Read more via Fox News.

I’ll be back in a few hours. In the meantime, feel free to use this as an open thread.

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