Bush to give farewell speech tonight (MORE: AP, WAPO TAKE DIGS AT BUSH’S SPEECH)
At 8 PM ET. I’ll be checking it out on Fox.
This morning I wrote about Andrew Roberts piece where he predicted how history would view President Bush on the issue of the global war on terror. It’s a piece that I’m sure has made liberals’ heads spin. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Publishing Co CEO Richard Connor wrote a similar piece here for CQ Politics, but went over the top in his comparison of Bush to Lincoln.
Slate.com’s got a mixed bag of “farewell” coverage of our 43rd president, which you can view/read here.
NRO’s Rich Lowry recently wrote a piece titled “Ten Bush Mistakes.”
The Weekly Standard’s Fred Barnes writes here about the 10 things he thinks Bush got right.
The Anchoress has more “farewell, Bush” links.
Interesting reading, all.
Update – 7:57 PM: Politico has the full text of the President’s speech.
Fri AM Update – 8:54 AM: Not that it should surprise anyone, but the AP made sure to get in a contemptible final dig at President Bush before he leaves office. Malkin has the details. Tim Graham at Newsbusters writes here about how the WaPo’s TV critic “reviewed” Bush’s farewell address.