Sister Toldjah’s Virtual Beer Summit: Bar Closed (OPEN THREAD)
(<---- Not ST.)
Hey, I figure we could have the beer summit to beat all beer summits – certainly much better than the dog and pony show getting ready to take place at the WH which our Healer in Chief has declared is not acutally a “summit.” Hmph.
I don’t drink beer, but I’ll be happy to serve as the bartender for the virtual beer summit. I, and your fellow readers and commenters, will be available to discuss and listen to whatever topic you’d like in this open thread. One request: That the topics involve “teachable moments” for us all.
So, what’ll it be? Beers are on the house, BTW, but $ tips are always welcome.
So what’s on your mind?
Update – 6:40 PM: Hot off the presses – First Photos of the Beer Summit. Joe Biden joined them.
6:45 PM: Must-read: Thomas Sowell questions the “post-racial” presidency of Barack Obama.
7:25 PM: Sheesh, y’all. It’s been close to an hour and a half and I haven’t had my first request
HotAirPundit’s got the scoop on what kind of beers the “summiteers” are having and how some in the MSM are Tweeting this farce.
BTW, 7,100 visits to go before hitting the 2 million mark.
9:01 PM: I knew it – I predicted that the black officers standing by Crowley would be called Uncle Toms:
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – A black sergeant who was at the home of Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. when he was arrested says he’s been maligned as an “Uncle Tom” for supporting the actions of the white arresting officer.
Cambridge Sgt. Leon Lashley gave a letter to Sgt. James Crowley to give to President Barack Obama during their so-called beer summit with Gates on Thursday night at the White House.
In the letter, which was also sent to CNN, Lashley says Gates “may have caused grave and potentially irreparable harm to the struggle for racial harmony.”
Lashley says he has become known as a traitor to his heritage by some because he “spoke the truth” about the arrest.
The “tolerant left” strikes again.
9:20 PM: Jake Tapper cracks me up. In his recap of what he saw from his vantage point of the “Beer Summit,” he wrote:
In the less than two minutes that we were out there, Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Sgt. Jim Crowley did almost all of the talking. It didn’t appear chummy, but then again Gates has said Crowley racially profiled him, falsified a police report about him, and owes him an apology. Crowley says he did nothing wrong, resents being portrayed as a racist, and has said he came here with the understanding that he and Gates had agreed to disagree.
So one might not expect them to be re-enacting a Lowenbrau commercial.
Here’s the commercial he’s talking about:
LOL. Love the suits and the haircuts!