Open Thread and Prayer Request
Hey y’all,
Sorry for the light blogging the last couple of weeks. Life has been a whirlwind for me between a busy schedule at work and personal responsibilities – some days I come home just flat worn out. I tend to be able to be online in spurts now rather than being able to be on sporadically through the day. That’s just the way it is for yours truly right now – I blog when I can. Thankfully, my co-blogger pretty much kicks a** with providing thoughtful content, and has been a real lifesaver for me. I am currently in the process of reprioritizing and reevaluating my average day in order to try and better manage my time. Hopefully that will aid me in being able to do more of what I love best, which is to write about politics, current events, and pop culture.
Tomorrow, for a good bit of the day I’ll be with my dad as he goes in for outpatient surgery to put a stent in his arm in the event he has to be put on dialysis for his kidney disease in the near future. The poor guy has gone through so much in the past couple of years with his health, and my heart just goes out to him. It pains me to see him suffer so much and not be able to do anything about it, and the stress is taking its toll on my mother – even though she would never admit it. I cry sometimes, and worry a lot and pray a lot.
Would you pray for my dad, too, please?
Hope to catch y’all sometime tomorrow. If not, sometime this weekend. Have a safe holiday weekend, everyone.