A Call To Action: Contact your Congressional reps NOW regarding #BrettKimberlin harassment

Who is Brett Kimberlin?

NOTE: This post will remain on the top of the page all day today (Friday).
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In response to the ongoing harassment/lawfare of (mostly) conservative bloggers and their supporters by convicted domestic terrorist Brett “Speedway Bomber” Kimberlin and his henchmen (latest detailed information/coverage here), blogger Ace of Spades has called for a “National Day of Blogger Silence” today. He explains:

On Friday, this site will be absolutely dead-silent, which is what Brett Kimberlin and his stalker crew seeks, and what the media and our supposed Representatives in Congress would permit.

The only post on Friday will be a bold-faced Open Letter to Congress, urging them to act and not attempt to pass the buck to others.

They are our representatives; we would like some representation.

They vowed to defend and protect the Constitution; they can honor that vow now.

I will post links of Congressmen’s and Senator’s email addresses and offices and phone numbers, and urge every concerned American citizen to let them know, in no uncertain terms, that a crime in progress against the First Amendment (and people’s safety) is occurring, and we humbly request they take this seriously.

They are literally going to get someone killed. That is their endgame here.

Will the media and Congress pretend “we didn’t know” when this happens?

ABCNews knows.

The Weekly Standard knows.

The Daily Caller knows.

And many, but not yet all, Congressmen and Senators know.

I encourage all bloggers and twitterers to essentially strike that day, or write nothing except your desire that you expect your Congressmen to take threats to your First Amendment rights seriously.

I fully support encouraging blog readers to contact their Congressional representation in both the House and the Senate to get them to put pressure on the DOJ to investigate the SWAT-ting that has taken place at the home of Patterico and Erick Erickson, among others. It’s imperative that the DOJ get involved in this blatant abuse of the 911 system, the harassment, and the attempts at squelching the First Amendment rights of American citizens, and the best way to get their attention is through your House Reps and Senators.  On that front, there is good news as Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) is on board and has written a letter urging the DOJ to investigate. US House Rep. Ken Marchant (R-TX24) has done similarly.  These bold men are to be commended for stepping up to the plate and putting this on the Congressional radar.

Free Speech ZoneOn the legal front, the ACLJ has thrown their hat into the ring in announcing legal representation of the National Bloggers Club and the Club’s President Ali Akbar, who pledged support to targeted bloggers and who (along with his family) has since become a Kimberlin target himself.  Lawyer/legal blogger Eugene Volokh recently announced his pro bono consulting work for lawyer/blogger Aaron Walker aka “@AaronWorthing“, who had his 1st Amendment rights stripped from him by a judge who is seemingly ignorant of the Constitution.  Donations are continuing to come in in support of Walker, Stacy McCain, Liberty_Chick aka Mandy Nagy and others who have been targeted and harassed by KimberlinCo (if you haven’t donated yet, please do so – $5 or $10 a person goes a long way).

On the media front – Fox News and ABC News are the first mainstream media outlets to report on Brett Kimberlin’s attempts at intimidating conservatives into silence via SWAT-ting and “lawfare.”

The sunlight is starting to shine on Brett Kimberlin and for that we have to thank anyone and everyone willing to speak up and speak out about him and his associates, whether it was on a blog, in a comment section, on a vlog, on social media sites, or wherever. As they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant and with prominent attorneys, politicos, and media outlets getting involved, the light is only going to get stronger and brighter.

That being said, I’m taking a slightly different route today than Ace and some of the other bloggers participating in the National Day of Blogger Silence.  I don’t want to be silent. I don’t want to give the left a free 24 hours to spew their bile with no push-back.  I think about Aaron Worthing sitting at home wanting to speak freely, and he can’t due to an incompetent judge – and it makes me want to speak freely even more on his behalf (even though I can’t – only he can speak for himself).   I think calls to action can be just as effective without a blog going silent — perhaps more so than going silent.  But everyone has their own legal, non-violent method for getting their message out today, and I support all of them.  We all have the same goals.



Even if you don’t think they will act on your behalf by bringing this issue to the floor, to investigation, or to the mainstream media, PLEASE contact them. When all is said and done, it will be very important to note for the record who in Congress and the DOJ stood on the side of free speech and sunlight and who did not.  It’s imperative that the tactics waged by Kimberlin and his associates be stopped in a lawful, non-violent manner using the justice system, and it starts with Congress. Do your part now, please.

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Sunrise - Charlotte, NC
Let there be sunlight! Charlotte, NC sunrise photo taken by ST 6-7-2012

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