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History, Page 32

Keep driving these points home, Mr. Prez

The President gave a speech tonight at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska – the speech is a continuation of the same theme that the President has been pushing hard over the last week in response to the lying Democrats in Congress who are trying to falsely assert that the President lied about the rationale Iraq war, forgetting what was said in the past by their own party regarding the threat they, too, thought Iraq posed (see here and here for more). Here’s the text of the speech. Some of what the President said:.....   [Read More]

REPOSTING: If Bush “lied”, so did others

The Democrats in DC are busy lying through their teeth about the President’s alleged “lying” about the reasons he used to justify the war in Iraq. As a result of this nonsense, I feel compelled to repost a blog entry I posted back on Oct.7, 2004 (original posting by me on 6/2/03 on a message board I frequent – this version, however, is modified to include info that was current as of Oct 2004) in response to similar accusations of lying by Democrats towards the administration at that time. Bryan at Junkyard Blog suggests to those who believe Bush lied: Google “Clinton Iraq 1998.” Yours truly has already gone through the trouble of doing so, so without further ado, here’s my post from a year ago – please note at the bottom the links to the second and third pages of this piece:.....   [Read More]