The irrelevance of the United Nations, as illustrated by the Secretary General

**Posted by Phineas

There are many examples to choose from, if one wishes to show why the United Nations is a waste of taxpayer money. Its record in resolving international crises is abysmal: Bosnia, anyone? And don’t get me started on its corruption by and covering for Saddam Hussein in the run-up to Gulf War II. Oh, but what about human rights, you say? Isn’t the UN set to expel Libya from the Human Rights Commission? Aside from asking why Libya was ever on anything named “Human Rights Council,” take a minute to look over its membership and then try to tell me the HRC is anything but a bad joke — on the world.

Anyway, if you want something that captures the essence of the uselessness of the United Nations, it’s this: the Secretary General, Mr. Ban-Ki Moon, has come to Hollywood to lobby the film industry to make movies about global warming:

We kid you not. As the real world seemed to be coming apart at the seams, Ban Ki-moon swept into Tinseltown during Oscar week to urge the entertainment industry to produce more movies, TV shows and music about ā€” drumroll, please ā€” global warming.

During a daylong forum, some 400 writers, directors, producers, agents and network executives were briefed on recent heat waves, floods, fires and droughts that have been blamed on man-made climate change.

With all that’s wrong in the world today, this feckless buffoon has gone before our cultural movers and shakers (who are all too willing to buy in) to beg for propaganda films about a problem that does not exist. But, hey, if it works and he convinces everyone to SAVE THE PLANET NOW!!!, it will mean lots of new transnational bureaucratic jobs, international conferences in swanky resorts, and even more taxpayer money funneled to, you guessed it, UN bureaucrats. What a deal! (For the UN)

Meanwhile, Libya’s collapsed into civil war against a brutal tyrant and Somali pirates are murdering travelers on the high seas — and giving money to allies of al Qaeda, a global terrorist organization. Oh, and Mexico is headed toward becoming a failed state while North Korea and Iran build nuclear weapons.

But Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon has his priorities.

And you’re paying 22% of his tab.

via Fausta

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)

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