My official 60 second insta-analysis of the #VAgov and #NJgov elections

****Drumroll — what you’ve all been waiting for (hah!) ****

McAuliffe won Virginia due to two things: The shutdown and “war on women” nonsense. This was race was a lot closer than people thought it would be, and we can thank Obamacare for that as Cooch closed the polling gap in the final weeks of the campaign, in spite of T-Mac’s $$ advantage. Much hay has been made over the fact there was a Libertarian candidate who was funded by Obama bundlers but upon further review I think Cooch still could have won if given another few weeks to hammer Obamacare and minimize the shutdown damage, Libertarian candidate or not.

Christie won again in NJ with big gains on almost all voting blocs not so much because he made significant attempts to win over voters who normally wouldn’t vote GOP but largely because of how well a vast majority believe he’s done in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. NJ citizens want their state back at 100% and Christie is fighting for the resources and federal dollars to continue to make that happen. They want him to finish the job.

Neither race has big 2014 ā€“ or 2016 ā€“ implications, outside of the potential for Obamacare to hurt Dems next year.


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