More idiocy on display at the UN ….
… as they tried to pass a resolution condeming Israel for killing their version of Osama: Yassin.
Who vetoed it? We did, of course. Thank goodness.
The United States vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution Thursday condemning Israel’s assassination of a Hamas leader, calling the measure “one-sided” and saying it ignored the group’s bloody record of terrorism.
The United States had demanded that the resolution on the death of Ahmed Yassin include a mention of attacks by Hamas and other militant groups. Algeria, the resolution’s sponsor, had resisted identifying the groups by name or citing specific attacks.
“This Security Council does nothing to contribute to a peaceful settlement when it condemns one party’s actions and turns a blind eye to everything else occurring in the region,” U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte said before the vote that came after days of bitter debate.
The vote was 11 countries in favor, three countries abstaining, and one country against — the United States.
Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas, was killed in a missile strike Monday morning in the Gaza Strip. He is the highest-ranking militant to die in a series of Israeli assassinations.