Are young voters turning to Pres. Bush?
Young people have led the exodus from Kerry to Bush. Since Aug. 1, Kerry’s support among voters ages 18 to 29 has dropped from 63 percent to 49 percent while Bush’s share of the young vote has increased to 46 percent — a 28-point turnaround in five weeks.
Also of note:
Bush improved his standing in all regions except the West. The president has erased a 25-point deficit to pull nearly even to Kerry in the East. And in the South, where the race was deadlocked in early August, Bush leads by 19 points.
Bush also has consolidated his standing with conservatives in the past month, claiming 78 percent of their vote, up nine points since early August. The incumbent’s gains have come roughly equally from battleground and non-swing states, the poll found.
Will this hold up or is this just a post convention bounce? We’ll find out in November.