Guardsmen stand by ‘proud’ Bush
…. gee, for a guy who “dodged” out of Vietnam (per critics) by serving in the National Guard, the President sure does garner a lot of respect from ’em. Apparently the only people who have an issue with National Guard service are those of the liberal persuasion who have run or are running against the President:
President Bush, who is being hammered by renewed questions over his service in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, received an enthusiastic response to his address yesterday to the National Guard Association.
Speaking at the NGA’s 126th annual convention, Mr. Bush said he is “proud” to be the 19th former guardsman to become president.
Prompting one of many standing ovations from the crowd, Mr. Bush saluted Guard and Reserve troops for their service in Afghanistan and Iraq – a deployment many in the room had experienced.
Don’t tell John Kerry.