Unbelievably tacky DNC ad running in Denver
The word “shameless” doesn’t quite do it justice:
Republicans are criticizing TV ads that show a look-alike of a Colorado congresswoman fleecing a corpse and an American soldier during battle.
In one of the ads, a pink-clad actress with a purse climbs over rubble to rob a U.S. soldier.
”Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave claims nobody supports our troops more than she does, but she voted to slash veterans’ benefits by $14 billion,” the narrator says. The new ad also says Musgrave voted against a $1,500 bonus for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. In another ad, the woman in pink creeps up to a corpse and takes off his watch. A voiceover says that while she served as a state senator, Musgrave opposed a bill that would have prevented nursing homes from billing patients after they are dead.
”I think they have reached a new low in sleaziness,” Colorado GOP Chairman Ted Halaby said of the ads’ sponsor, a group called Colorado Families First.