A reminder to please skin Sister Toldjah
No, not ME – the blog
If you want to check out the two new skins, look on the right hand column and scroll down to where it says “skin this site” and click on the down arrow. The two new are labelled “Geek Girl” and “Super Woman.” If you are already viewing those skins, you can change them by scrolling midway through the middle column and you’ll see the option to skin the site. FYI, in the very near future I may add two MORE skins! Lisa does such a good job, and I love having different looks for the site …
I understand there are some issues with screen resolutions outside of the 1024×768 and thanks to those of you who have alerted me – for right now, the 1024×768 screen resolution is the best in which to view each of the skins … the site designer (the wonderful Lisa) has attempted to resolve the problem but isn’t having much luck — we’re gonna keep trying, though. I even attempted to fix it last night – and realized it’s best to leave such serious matters to the pros!
However, it’s the content that matters most, right?